How Do You Stop Bleeding After a Tooth Extraction?

How Do You Stop Bleeding After a Tooth Extraction?

TeamGeneral Dentistry

Tooth extractions are common. However, they are also the last resort and will only be removed if there is not enough room in the mouth to accommodate them, or if the tooth is damaged beyond repair. If you require a tooth extraction, you will experience some bleeding after the procedure. However, there are simple ways to manage the bleeding. Read on to learn how to stop bleeding after tooth extraction.

Bleeding After a Tooth Extraction: Steps to Take

It is normal to experience some bleeding for a short period after having a tooth extracted. If bleeding persists beyond a few hours, you should contact your dentist. But in the first few hours after your procedure, there are simple steps you can take to stop bleeding and promote clotting.

Apply Clean Gauze

Apply a piece of clean, gauze folded in a square larger than the tooth socket. Bite down on the gauze for 45 minutes. The pressure will help to promote clotting.  If you like you may wrap a small ice cube in the gauze. Cooling the area while applying pressure can help reduce inflammation while aiding in clotting. 

Apply a Cool, Wet Tea Bag

Tea contains tannic acid which can promote clotting. So if you prefer, you may bite down on a cool, wet tea bag instead of gauze. Black tea has the most tannins, but any type of tea bag will work. Submerge the tea in boiling water for 2-3 minutes, and then let it cool completely before placing it on the extraction site and biting down on it with gentle pressure. 

Keep Your Head Elevated

It’s important to keep your head above your heart following a tooth extraction. This will prevent blood from rushing to the extraction site. If you decide to lie down, be sure your head is propped up with pillows. 

Ice the Jaw

Placing an ice pack (a bag of frozen vegetables works well), on the jaw near the extraction site can help promote healing, and reduce swelling. You may ice the outside of the face in 20-minute intervals. 

Avoid Straws, Smoking, Vaping, or Spitting

Any action that requires a sucking motion can dislodge a blood clot that is beginning to form. Avoid straws, smoking, vaping, and spitting. Children should avoid using a sippy cup. 

Avoid Physical Activity

Physical activity increases your blood pressure, which can prolong bleeding. You should avoid exercising for the first few days, to allow the extraction site to fully heal.

Reasons a Tooth May Need to Be Extracted

Dentists will exhaust all efforts to save a tooth that has become infected or decayed. Treatment for seriously decayed or infected teeth often includes a root canal. However, in cases where a tooth cannot be saved, or in orthodontic cases where there is not enough room to accommodate teeth such as wisdom teeth, the teeth will need to be removed. 

There are two types of tooth extractions. The first is a nonsurgical extraction, which is necessary for severely damaged teeth, or wisdom teeth that have fully erupted. In cases of overcrowding, you may also need a tooth extracted as part of your orthodontic treatment plan.

The second type of extraction requires surgery for impacted teeth. Impacted teeth are those that get stuck beneath the soft tissues and cannot erupt normally. Third molars, known as wisdom teeth. are the most commonly impacted teeth. However, other teeth such as canine and incisor teeth can become impacted, as well. 

Tooth Extractions and Treatment for Tooth Pain in Brunswick, Oh

If you are experiencing tooth pain, or pain in the gums, it is important to see a dentist immediately. Our experienced dentists at Bellissimi Dental will make all efforts to save a natural tooth. If extraction is necessary, your procedure will be painless, and you will be provided with detailed post-extraction instructions. To book a dental appointment, send us a message or call 330-741-3334.